Pelvic Dearmouring 2 hours - $400

 A gentle but profound bodywork session for pelvic health and emotional and physical dearmouring head to pelvis, releasing chronic tension to feel more spaciousness and sensation in your body. It’s a very useful approach when PE or pelvic pain and tension, lack of sensitivity or hyper-sensitivity is involved.

Myofascial Release Therapy is a gentle yet profound bodywork technique which targets the fascia of the body. Fascia is found throughout the body, and its responsible for the tensions that we hold. Using a gentle sustained pressure and a long hold, the fascia will start to soften and unwind, and the body will give up its tensions, along with the associated memories and blockages that caused the tensions. Cranio-Sacral touch is similar, but even more gentle and light. The sessions are deeply relaxing and restorative. These sessions free your body of stored emotions and traumas, and bring more freedom and flexibility to the body, which results in more feeling and sensation, stronger erections, more relaxed and therefore sensitive muscles around the pelvic area and the rest of the body. Overall a better sex life, lasting longer, reducing pelvic pain, removing tensions so energy can move.